WordPress Plugins

7 Significant Reasons SkyStats is Ahead of the Competition

The Best Facebook Dashboard Plugin  | SkyStats

Businesses love WordPress. SkyStats is a WordPress plugin. There’s a reason why SkyStats is the best!

If you’ve done your research, you’ve probably seen that there are at least 50 other business dashboard options out there for viewing your website’s stats. There are 3rd party tools that let you login on their site every time you want to see a breakdown of your business’ online performance and there are companies that will take time and money to design and add a dashboard to your existing site. These options require you to spend money and/or jump through hoops, just to pull all your business data together into a single view.

Rather than use yet another third party tool or pay for a web designer to create one from scratch, wouldn’t you prefer a business dashboard that is already fully designed, ready-to-use, and can be added to your site with a click?

Until SkyStats’ WordPress dashboard, that wasn’t even an option.

The Big Idea of SkyStats: Why It’s A Better WordPress Dashboard

Best WordPress Dashboard for Web Development | SkyStats

Show of hands – who remembers seeing this announcement when it was first posted?

Best WordPress Dashboard Announcement | SkyStats

If you were one of the then relative few that decided to use this newest CMS (Content Management System) for your website, give yourself a pat on the back for recognizing greatness!

From its launch in May, 2003, WordPress evolved from a little-known blog software to a full-service CMS that continues to improve; winning accolades for its ease of use, accessibility, SEO enhancement, and unequalled customization potential due to the thousands of plugins created by the users themselves.

If WordPress is already so great, why is the SkyStats dashboard plugin necessary?