Why SEO Experts Use SkyStats

Watch this video to learn how the SkyStats WordPress plugin can help SEO experts save time and retain clients with our all-in-one analytics dashboard.

Meet Sam. Sam is an SEO expert helping to build his clients visibility online and earning them business. Sam’s clients do not know SEO, but they want to be informed and reassured of the benefits that his work is providing. It can be a challenge for Sam to prove the value of his SEO work to his clients in simple and effective way. That is when he found SkyStats! An all-in-one WordPress dashboard that brings analytics, social media, and marketing data into a single view. SkyStats puts all of this great data inside his client’s WordPress websites. Even allows Sam to white label the dashboard as his own. Now Sam saves time and build client retention by using SkyStats to provide excellent reporting. This frees him up to get more done and be more awesome. Well done Sam!

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